Deshed Treatments


The warm weather of Riverside is starting to kick in again. That means many dogs are ready to shed their winter coats.

It also means that you will begin seeing a lot of hair accumulate in your home.

Dogs can get very uncomfortable carrying around bucket loads of extra dead hair on their bodies.

Riverside Pet Grooming is known for its high-quality de-shed treatments.

We begin by preparing the coat with special conditioning sprays for desheding

We then begin the bathing process using a special machine desiged for removing the undercoat. This machine will take out the majority of the undercoat right in the tub. It has a special nozzle designed for deshedding. With the techniques we use and the special shampoo and conditioner, we are able to safely get that undercoat out for your pet right there in the tub, as he enjoys his nice refreshing bath. No more stressful dry deshedding sessions or endless furmination.

Your dog wants to get the job done too.

Now we begin the drying process with one of our high velocity dryers.

The Coat is sprayed with special formulas that help the coat to release the remaining undercoat.

Then we finish off the process with the Mars Tool and/or furminator depending on coat type we are working with.

Finally, we go over it with a very fine tooth comb to smooth out and make sure no spots of heavy undercoat were missed.

If you’re in need of a deshedding treatment, come by. We’ll get the job done right.

You won’t believe your eyes how lovely your pet’s coat will look.


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