Qualified Pet Dental is a very convenient service offered to our Customers at Riverside Grooming. This service provides your pet with a safe and gentle cleaning of above and below the gum line. Bad breath in dogs can be very unpleasant. We all know how much dogs love giving us kisses
. This service helps preventing future gum disease. Setting up an appointment with Qualified Pet Dental will ensure that your pet’s breath is fresh and clean, and overall dental health is up to par.
The whole procedure only lasts about 30 minutes, and by providing an anesthesia-free dental service, your pet will be ready to play and love you again in no time. This makes for all-around great experience for your pets. Procedures are provided by licensed Veterinarian-supervised professionals with great handling skills. This service is convenient due to the fact that you can utilize it by appointment when you come by our salons to groom your pets. It also includes a full Vet exam. Vaccines and prescription flea and tick treatments are also available during this appointment. We will be setting up the mobile dental service right outside our salon and making an appointment is as easy as calling one of our locations!
951-233-5166 or 951-343-3222